Wednesday, June 14, 2017

People Counter Benefits for Gas Stations

Did you know that 60% of gas station earnings are generated from other products and services irrelevant to fuel? According to the National Association of Convenience Stores in the United States, gas stations see profits decrease when overall prices increase. In other words, the majority of fuel retailers’ profits actually come from products sold in stores and most visitors are not stopping for the sole purpose of purchasing gas.

Even though fuel prices and location are crucial factors for a gas station’s success, they are not the only factors that attract and retain the customers. According to a research conducted by Market Force in 2016, “71% of respondents visited a traditional gas station, while 28% chose a grocer or big box retailer”. Besides the quality and price of fuel, customers seek a seamless and convenient experience as well as a humane design for their go to gas station.

These are some ways through which people counter can help fuel retailers better understand, serve and retain their customers:

Overall traffic count for visitors - People counters track the total visitor number of stores in gas stations, therefore providing insight on traffic patterns and peak hours. Gas stations can also use this data for high-level analysis. For instance, people trackers allow retailers to understand the overall trends during weekends and holidays. This in return gives the employees a good idea of what kind of traffic to expect and prepare for.

Understanding the conversion rate - People counter manufacturers allows retailers to merge sales and traffic statistics by integrating the data into one system. With this option, gas stations are then able to understand the conversion rate or how many people in total entered the store and the percentage of those who walked out with a purchase. Since most gas stations are chain establishments, people counters empower management to benchmark success across different locations. This allows gas stations to compare which stores generate more sales according to visitor traffic.

Effective resource allocation - It is a widely known fact that visitors stop at gas stations for toilet breaks. By installing door counter device, people counter technology in toilet entrances, management can view the data of people who is visiting their bathrooms. This can be analyzed with the overall store traffic to understand the conversion rate of people walking into the stores and the ones who actually used the toilet. With the help of people counters, branches can also manage rotation and cleaning accordingly. This allows cleaning staff to work efficiently which saves man-hour resources for the gas station. For instance, branches can schedule staff to clean the toilets every 50 people instead of a timed hourly basis as people counter provides real time email notifications to store managers once the entry number reaches a certain threshold. Accordingly, management can also view which branches have the most bathroom usage and invest resources in those locations first. 

Understanding customer behavior - People counter can also be used in combination with heat map device installments. While people counters track the number of visitors in a store, heat map deep dives into what people are actually doing and where they linger. It identifies whether visitors are solely using the shop for toilet breaks, to purchase refreshments or both.

Push notifications - For gas stations chains that have already implemented a smart phone loyalty application, people counters can prompt notifications to visitors’ smartphones when they enter the store. Notifications can vary from safety reminders such as “don’t forget to put on your seatbelt and enjoy your drive!” to special promotions about in-store loyalty points, products or discounts. Push notifications is an interactive gesture to engage with the visitors and communicate with them.

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At August 18, 2017 at 12:43 AM , Blogger Rose Kathy said...

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